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[for a more detailed explanation of services, please go to the

"Service Explanation Page"]

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YOU ARE THE POWER! The Consulting Hypnotist is basically helping ordinary everyday people, with ordinary everyday problems. Hypnosis can be explained as a method of changing or directing one’s mind, the subconscious mind, the part of the mind receptive to the subtle power of suggestion. Using hypnosis is a powerful tool in directly connecting with and influencing the subconscious mind, YOUR MIND, YOUR POWER.

Session typically 1-2 hours Cost : $ 125.00 per session


Reiki is a Japanese word. “Rei” – means the universal aspect of energy, and “Ki” means life force flowing through all living things. Reiki, simply put is the transfer of energy to and through living things for healing. Reiki works differently for every person. The life force energy goes to where it is needed for each individual. Depending on your current condition, Reiki can help some people have a clearer mind to make better decisions, can replenish energy that has been exhausted from a very busy life, can help with pain, wound healing, colds, digestive disorders, negative stress and generally an imbalance in your energy and or your immune system. I personally have used Reiki to help cancer patients deal with pain and appetite issues during and after chemotherapy, individuals with Parkinsons, as well as clients with Migraines, Emotional issues, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis pain, Allergies and Chronic disorders to name just a few. Reiki is all inclusive, helping wherever your body needs energy.

Session typically 1-2 hours Cost: $ 125.00 per session


Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Some meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things.

The term “guided imagery” refers to a wide variety of techniques, including simple visualization and direct suggestion using imagery, metaphor and story-telling, dream interpretation, and active imagination where elements of the unconscious are invited to appear as images that can communicate with the conscious mind. The effectiveness of meditation and guided imagery have been increasingly established by research findings that demonstrate their positive impact on health, creativity and performance.

Session typically 1-2 hours Cost: $ 125.00 per session


Through regression you may discover why you are attracted to or find some people or things very distasteful for some unknown reason or have an irrational fear you want to remove from your life. Basically, regression helps you unravel many mysteries that may be hindering you moving forward in this life. Most importantly, regression helps you forgive and move forward in your current life. Session typically 1-2 hours Cost: $125.00 per session


Everything is ENERGY!...

Chakra Balancing and Energy work re-establish the proper oscillation of the energy wheels in and out of your body to ensure optimum performance. This work can involve energy manipulation through various methods; sound and tuning instruments, hand energy work, crystals, gemstones and Reiki to name a few. Often times a pendulum may be used to show visual effects of the current condition of the chakras and the positive after effects of the work performed.

Session typically 1-2 hrs Cost: $125.00 per session


Do you know what your Aura is?

An Aura is the color of your energy field around your body. A biofeedback machine reveals your color aura in 3-D imaging. Most people vibrate within a certain energetic vibration range. This vibration range will help determine your personality color. From your vibration range, general knowledge about you from ancient wisdom will provide in-depth explanations about your health and personality.

What does your Aura say about you?

Your Aura- through bio-feedback- can give you a glimpse into your personality type, your current health, well-being, and your current mental, physical and emotional state. By understanding your projected Aura through a bio-feedback machine, the colors of your CHAKRAS will reveal to you what areas of your body need work or monitoring.

Understanding your CHAKRAS enable you to see your progress of growth.

Once you understand the importance of your CHAKRAS and how they influence your health and well- being, you will learn how to control and influence your CHAKRAS for ultimate health. If your CHAKRAS are out of balance, especially for an extended period of time, that area of your body may become weakened and disease may enter the body. Maintaining and taking care of your CHAKRAS could be more important than you ever realized!

Understanding your CHAKRAS with Bio-Feedback

Come join me for a course to understand how you can monitor, evaluate, change and maintain your CHAKRAS. This course will provide you with a detailed before and after color report of the status of your CHAKRAS in 3-D. This report, based on your bio-feedback, will even go into your mind/body connection, social life and even possible careers and finance. This course will show you the effects meditation, stress reduction and numerous other activities have on your CHAKRAS. Just a few of the ways your energy field changes are based upon your attitudes, activities and thought processes. Come to this course to learn how you can be in control.

[Class Size - 4-10 people]

Current Pricing: 3.5 hours $ 53.00 per person (normally 62.00)

AUG 2024 -Classes still have openings - call for info

Additional Options:

To have 3-D Aura Report done $ 26.00 per person/per report.

To have a Before & After 3-D Aura Report done $ 44.00 per person. (before meditation or Reiki and afterwards)


(contact me for available dates and times)

1- Connecting to your Chakras and Mind Powers

2 day course [ 12 hours total]

[class size 4-10] 6 hrs per day $ 250.00

(total) per person

AUG 2024 - still have openings-

call for info

2- Understanding your Chakras with Bio-Feedback

[class size 4-10] 3.5 hr course $ 62.00 per person (SEE SPECIALS- ABOVE)

AUG 2024- still have openings- call for info

3- Understanding Chakras and The Chakras of Sedona

[class size 4-6] 3 hrs $ 80.00 per person

AUG 2024- Classes still have openings- call for info

4- The Art of the Pendulum - Using it in my everyday life..

[class size 4-10] 2 hrs $ 44.00 per person

AUG 2024- Classes still have openings - call for info

5- Mandalas, Mudras and Meditation; their Healing Properties

[class size 4-10] 12 hrs [2 days] $ 250.00 per person

AUG 2024- Classes still have openings - call for info

6- Special Groups - or - visiting Sedona as a group (2 or more)

We can make special arrangements for any of the classes above or a combination of services and classes.. Just call for info.

7- REIKI classes will start up again in AUG 2024

Watch for updates of schedule.

8- Don't forget about Monday Night Meditations! Only an $8 donation, and you get to enjoy the company of new friends, receive a special guided meditation and resolve issues each week.

See the "Meditation and Reiki Share Page" for details.


Payment is expected at time of visit.

Currently cash and checks are accepted.

{in the future credit will be accepted- however-not at this time }

There will be a sliding scale for clients with financial difficulty. [Monday Night Meditation is based on a 8$ donation.]

RFE Accounting/Bookkeeping

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~Albert Einstein~

My first career was in Accounting and I enjoyed using my energy to ensure all accounting records accurately reflected the proper financial picture of a business. I still enjoy assisting business owners ensure their financial picture is accurate, complete and best serves that owner’s needs in continuing or expanding their business. I would be happy to assist you in your accounting/bookkeeping needs. Compensation is based on your business and the state of your current records. Call for a free evaluation.

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